Monday, 4 July 2016

Unidentified Bolete

Spotted on the walk home: a bolete of some sort, growing at the side of the road under a Hawthorn hedge.

The surface is heavily cracked, revealing yellow flesh.

Underneath, large angular pores of a dull, olivaceous yellow brown colour. They appear not to be bruising, although perhaps it's harder to see in an old specimen like this.


Not sure how you'd classify the gill attachment: adnate? Noted that the flesh discoloured slightly, to a dull green colour, where it was cut.

The stipe is fairly slim and tapers downwards – not club-shaped as you'd expect to see on a classic Boletus.

It has a fairly strong mushroom-y smell.

I'm guessing some kind of Xerocomus species (possibly Suede Bolete Xerocomus subtomentosus). However, there are many that look similar and the Collins (illustrated) Fungi Guide suggests that chemical tests may be necessary to separate these species with confidence.

For the record
Date: 04/07/2016
Location: Small Dole
Grid reference: TQ214135
Entered into FRDBI: 13/02/2017


  1. Hi Clare
    99% sure this is Sepia Bolete - Boletus/Xerocomellus porosporus. This species is recognisable by its drab sepia colouring and the usually quite extensive cracking of the cap. The slight reddening when cut, as shown in your photo is also typical. In my experience this species (you won't find this mentioned in the books) tends to be a lot more squidgy than other Xerocomoid species! Spores have a truncate base so really easy with a microscope. Good book: 'British Boletes with keys to species' Geoffrey Kibby, one of a fairly inexpensive series, many Boletes are identifiable macroscopically.
    Best wishes

    1. Book recommendations are much appreciated, thanks Vivien. I definitely need to start keying things out more. The field guides I've got are OK for distinctive species, but not much good when it comes to separating similar-looking speciees.
